24x7 Support

Ask us anything. We’re here for you 24/7

Waiting for several hours to obtain a reply from the help desk support team is irritating, irrespective of how trivial the problem is. This is why, here, at Cerberus Technologies Inc., we offer you a one–hour response guarantee, and our client service team members usually answer in less than twenty minutes through the ticket platform built into the Site Control Panel. They’re available to you 24x7x365.

24x7 Support

Free Templates

100+ completely free WordPress and Joomla site skins to pick from

You can easily download a Wordpress or Joomla template with just a click of the mouse from your Site Control Panel. You do not have to visit any 3rd party websites for exceptional–quality site themes. We have a large collection for you readily integrated into your hosting account. Simply pick the web page layout that you want and click the Download button. All web site themes are totally free for you.

Free Templates

Website Installer

Kickstart your own personal website with one click of the mouse

All our cloud web hosting plans provide you with a rapid way to publish your own personal site, even if you lack any special abilities. Using the Website Installer Instrument integrated into the Cerberus Technologies Inc. Site Control Panel, building your business or personal website is amazingly easy – simply choose the type of website that you want and a preferred web page layout. We will publish your new web site in a second and will give you info on how to control it with a single click.

Website Installer

Data Backups

Lost your site content? Do turn to our backup solution

Once put on the World Wide Web, your website content is generally susceptible to hacker assaults. It could be affected even by your very own personal unintended actions. If you turn to us, there’s nothing to worry about, since we keep a backup copy of your website content, which can recovered at any time. What’s more, you may create manual backups of your entire site with a click of the mouse through the File Manager, which is located in the Site Control Panel. Our system will save all your files and will save them in a ZIP archive, which will be saved in your account.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At Cerberus Technologies Inc., we take pride in using an actual web hosting platform – each service is run on a separate hosting server, which means that all your websites will always load quickly even if the system is under excessive load. This cloud hosting platform was developed entirely by us with a focus on scalability and stability, and is backed up by a ninety–nine point nine percent network uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Request your money back if you’re not content

Our web hosting packages are backed up by a thirty–day money–back guarantee. Therefore, in case, for some reason, you are not entirely pleased with the quality of the offered cloud hosting services, you can touch base with our sales representatives to claim your money back. You can write us an e–mail, send a trouble ticket, give us a call or use the online chat service.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Web App Installer

40+ web applications ready to choose from

Installing a web application could be a long and uninteresting procedure. It may be so, unless you have an Apps tool with more than forty plus available web apps, which you can install with just a mouse click. We have made the setup as simple as possible, which suggests that you will no longer need to sacrifice any of your time thinking about how to set up your web application. We will keep the login information within the Site Control Panel in case you forget your password.

Web App Installer

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our plans is put together for you free of charge. 30 day money–back. 99.9% service uptime. 30–min reply time.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a glance at the instruments and features supplied by all of our website hosting plans. You could start off with a smaller plan and upgrade with a click of the mouse when your web site expands.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • You’re able to get in contact with us all through business hours on the phone for any general information.