Lots of persons who start using their very first hosting account, or switch companies, often have queries with regards to how specific operations are executed or encounter difficulties when setting up various things, including emails, site settings, and so on. That’s why, many web hosting companies have prepared documentation with the most popular questions and issues so as to help their customers obtain info swiftly and easily. Consequently, the tech support team representatives can dedicate more time to actual problems that particular customers may be experiencing, since the solution for the minor things will already be available on the World Wide Web and clients can tackle them without touching base with the client service staff. Having in-depth documentation is really important, especially for new clients without any practical experience, since the hosting service involves multiple features and lots of individuals can become confused about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you execute the things that you need and acquaint yourself with how the web hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Web Hosting

All Linux web hosting packages that we are offering include a comprehensive knowledge base where you can find everything you need to know in regards to your web hosting account. Irrespective of whether you are intending to set up a new database, to redirect a domain name using an .htaccess configuration file or to create an e-mail account on your personal computer or mobile phone, you can simply read our step-by-step help articles and all the information that you need will be there. When you visit a certain section of the Hepsia Control Panel, you can see articles that are dedicated to the features that you can access through it. In case you’d like to check the entire collection of articles and get informed about all the functions that Hepsia offers, or only to read generic info about the web hosting service, you can examine the entire knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve done our utmost to encompass any obstacle that you may possibly stumble upon, but in case you don’t find what you are looking for, you can always touch base with us, as our client service staff representatives are at your disposal night and day.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We have prepared an extensive knowledge base for all our current and potential customers, so in case you buy a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you will be able to find any info that you’re searching for at any moment. We have a vast number of informative articles, which will help you understand better what’s going on in your semi-dedicated account – "What is PHP?" and "What are file permissions?" are simply 2 examples. Our detailed tutorials will help you do anything you like – extract an archive, import a database, redirect a domain name, etc. In addition, we also have troubleshooting instructions, which will allow you to discover what causes a given problem and the feasible solutions for it. If you are not able to send email messages or your domain returns an HTTP 500 error message, for example, you can resort to our knowledge base and resolve the problem immediately. The articles can be accessed through each Control Panel section, as well as through the dedicated Help section.